Friday, September 2, 2016

Why God Made Saturday
Saturdays are special. People are usually free from work on Saturdays and have more time to do what really matters to them. I work at home online and am my own boss, so I'm home 27/7. But still, Saturdays are special to me.

First, the wife's here (and when she's around it's a wonderful blessing enough), so are the kids (and sometimes the lil grand kid). Second, there's more time to do other things like laundry, cleaning the yards, defrosting and cleaning the fridge (as if there's something in it that needs cleaning), watching on Youtube or some DVD, or go out somewhere entertaining like a mall.

And yeah, Saturday is when I treat myself to more soya curd (taho). My family seldom joins me in this (sigh).

But often, Saturday early mornings are for more workouts (sometimes brisk walking with the wife). Particularly, it's for teaching some people about my style of Filipino streetfighting martial arts which I designed for street combat and self defense, plus teaching the bible.

My style of Filipino streetfighting is not for competing in tournaments to prove I'm champ or better than anyone. I'm not into that. I never need to prove anything about  myself or to myself. I just need to protect myself and family from bad people.

I'm always a contented person. My contentment is with God alone.

Some say Saturday is Sabbath which is supposed to be total rest day. But doing things for family is "total rest" to me. Jesus did a lot of work on Sabbaths so he was accused of "breaking the Sabbath law." But to him it was "rest" because he fulfilled God's will with the things he was doing. And among God's will is caring for the family.

Saturday is family day. Sunday is the same, but half of Sunday is usually devoted for what happens on Monday. Saturday is devoted wholly for family.

Sunday is not for God. Others believe that Sunday is the "Lord's Day," but it's a shame really to be devoting just one day to the Lord of lords who owns your life. So I believe the Lord's Day is everyday. It doesn't mean I go to church everyday or I have to be religious everyday. I detest religion, religiosity and anything connected to them. I don't "go to church" anymore. Church is where I am with the company of genuine believers talking about Jesus.

Thus, Saturdays are for God and family (because God is family), and that makes it more exciting. Often my family and I just stay home and talk casually while we work or enjoy our meals at the dinner table.

Oh and yes, lastly, Saturday is when either I or my wife cook special native food dishes our kids love---like sinigang na maya-maya belly sa mustasa at miso, almon bigas, grilled bangus or my secret Chyo family burger.

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