Friday, November 11, 2016

If We're Going to Die Anyway

From 123RF
Sometimes you hear stories of health buffs suddenly getting sick and dying. Sometimes, they just plain die. One young health buff slept and never woke up. It's not just scary---it makes you re-think your health and fitness efforts.

Why would you still bother with workouts and healthy food if you can end up like that any time? Maybe it's better to just eat, abuse your health, and be merry for tomorrow you die.

Well, there are three ways to look at this---one is that, sudden deaths of health buffs are really isolated cases. Second, some fitness buffs are not necessarily also "health" buffs. I know a lot of fitness buffs who do not mind about inner health and abuse their bodies.

Third, this just shows us that only God can decide when we'd go. We cannot take charge and decide to prolong our lives by our health formulas. You can just suddenly drop dead.

It's always good to stay healthy and fit. But it's better to be prepared to go any time. And I mean, you should make sure you'd end up in the right place after you die, especially if you suddenly die. Jesus said he is the Way, the truth, and the LIFE. No one can go to heaven without him.

I've surrendered my life to Jesus Christ.

But sometimes, it rattles your mind how life can be unfair at times. For instance, why would non-smokers suffer more the secondary cigarette smoke of smokers? I know people who died of lung cancer even if they never smoked in their lifetime. And Bruce Lee---the guy was said to be the "fittest man in the world" in his time and yet he died because of a mere headache. He took a painkiller that turned out to be a deadly allergen to him.

But you don't give up breathing just because the guy seated next to you stopped breathing and died. We all have different life contexts. If you can still breathe, then do breathe and make the best of it.

It's still better to be fit and healthy even if you die early notwithstanding, than die because you abused your body. It's better to have fought and died than to surrender and then willfully work with the enemy.

That's why I can never understand why drug addicts became addicts.

Anyway, it's better that people feel sad about your untimely death because they know you to be a health and fitness buff, than to have them say, "He died? Well, it's about time, finally. That guy is a walking time bomb and he's a suicide bomber."

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